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Communify, in partnership with the Queensland Lived Experience Workers Network (QLEWN), has received seed funding connected to the Brisbane North Safe Space, from the Brisbane North PHN to deliver a three-part project. This project will support a network of Lived Experience workers, students, and advocates across Queensland, Safe Space, and the local community.

The three main focus areas are:

  • Supporting the existing PPIMS network to make successful transition from Brisbane North PHN.
  • Establish a purpose driven network for Lived Experience workers, students and advocates, with the view to transition to QLEWN at end of the project.
  • Establish Lived Experience led and informed ‘Community Conversations’ about distress linked to capacity building for the Safe Spaces Network across the Brisbane North region.

Objectives of the Project:


Consultation with existing PPIMS network:

Early and Ongoing consultation with PPIMS members is a priority to clarify expectations and scope of the project, and determine if Communify can support their work and transition from the Brisbane North PHN. This project does not involve rebranding PPIMS. PPIMS will remain autonomous in their decision making around this and other things linked to the network.

Communify’s Proposed Involvement:

Communify’s role is not to make decisions on behalf of PPIMS but to collaborate with and support the existing network, if PPIMS members decide that this would be beneficial to their needs during the period of transition. Based on the outcomes of discussions with the PPIMS network, support needs can be negotiated with Communify, should PPIMS choose to proceed. This may include actions such as provision of meeting space, administrative support, and assistance in identifying potential funding sources. Explore opportunities for alliances between networks, to strengthen Lived Experience engagement and presence in Queensland.

Lived Experience Worker, Student and Advocate Network

Establish and Co-design a Meaningful Network:

  • Develop a purposeful network to support and connect Lived Experience workers, students, and advocates in Queensland.
  • Provide and connect members with opportunities for discipline-specific support and professional development for Lived Experience Workers, Students and Advocates.
  • Support engagement with the system and broader community, reflecting evolving needs of the Lived Experience Workforce.

Strategic Advisory Group: Establish a group to collaborate with QLEWN and key sectors, contributing to systems reform and strategic input.

Community of Practice: Create regular opportunities for Lived Experience workers, students, and advocates to connect, share knowledge, and learn together. This will also provide the opportunity for mentorship. Engagement Database: Develop a database for individuals to engage in paid consultation opportunities within the mental health, alcohol and other drugs, and suicide prevention sectors. (Option for members to self-nominate)

Employment Database: Create a database of workers and employers to connect Lived Experience workers/students with employment opportunities. (Option for members to self-nominate)

Digital Materials: Produce digital resources to support and connect the network. Community Conversations Develop a connected community network: Working collaboratively with Safe Space to create a connected network in the Safe Space Bardon catchment area, engaging local businesses and community members. Foster relationships and trust-building within the community to support those experiencing distress.

Community Conversations: Facilitate regular discussions to build capacity and awareness among members of the community in responding to distress from a Lived Experience perspective. Provide opportunities for community members to develop understanding and confidence in supporting individuals in distress.

Support Safe Space: Support Safe Space staff through regular network activities by being a point of connection to other Lived Experience Workers for kinship, ongoing opportunities, training and support.

Resource Development: Generate resources through Community Conversations that can be utilised beyond the project, making them accessible to a wider audience in the community.

Project Timeline: Short-term Project: The project is funded for 8 months (proposed ending June 2025).

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