“By, with and for the Lived Experience Workforce”
The Queensland Lived Experience Workforce Network (QLEWN) is a focused state-wide peak body led by, with and for the Lived Experience workforce within the mental health, alcohol and other drugs and suicide prevention sector. QLEWN is an Incorporated Association and our work is governed by our Organisation Constitution.
QLEWN was established by the Lived Experience Leaders' Roundtable, which was an initiative funded and supported by Brook RED and the Brisbane North Primary Health Network. The Roundtable created the opportunity for Lived Experience leaders from around the state to meet regularly to discuss experiences, concerns and collaborative opportunities.
In 2018, the Roundtable conducted a state-wide survey to identify issues of importance to Lived Experience workers across Queensland and explore whether there was widespread support for developing a peak body. 151 survey responses were received. This was complemented by the Building Foundations Forum to further discuss workforce priorities. This forum was attended by Lived Experience from across the state, represented regions from the Gold Coast to Cairns.
The Building Foundations Forum showed strong consensus for developing a Lived Experience workforce peak body, Subsequently Brook RED and the Brisbane PHN North funded a Strategic Planning Day in November 2018. 63 Lived Experience representatives attended the planning day, discussing the structure and priorities for the Lived Experience workforce peak body.
Reports documenting the state-wide survey, Building Foundations Forum and the Strategic Planning Day can be found here: Our Work
Priorities for QLEWN were identified through consultation through the survey, the Building Foundations Forum and the Strategic Planning Day. The priorities identified are:
1. Sector Leadership
- Consult with and represent the Lived Experience workforce
- Champion the Lived Experience workforce
- Support the Lived Experience workforce
- Promote networking opportunities
- Disseminate Information
2. Education and training
- Promote and facilitate accredited training and ongoing professional development
- Promote and facilitate supervision and mentoring
3. Advocacy
- Lead processes for enabling a collective voice for the Lived Experience workforce
- Advocate to government and other decision makers to advance Lived Experience workforce agendas
- Influence and undertake research and policy development

QLEWN is eager to continue to forge its path in the sector as a Queensland Peak Body for the Lived Experience Workforce. While efforts will continue towards achieving the strategic goals, QLEWN’s capacity is significantly reduced due to limited resourcing. Without a doubt, the Lived Experience workforce has a promising future, with key reports all indicating the necessity and value of our inclusion in achieving real reform in our sector. This, together with the continued passion of its founders and membership, QLEWN will continue to seek opportunities to provide leadership and advocacy.
Position Statements
QLEWN Position Statement on Co-Production
QLEWN Position Statement Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work